Selasa, 7 September 2010

new entry.

yeay ! lme gle ta update blog neh. ble bace balex entry2 sblm neh. rase cam klaka lak. hehe. ape ape jla. BTW, raye nax dkat da neh tpy mud raye ilang enta ke mne? hmmm. tade mud na raye laa. bosan bosan. help me find my mood back? please? haha. enough about raye. smlm pegy ts nan membe and capital A ! hee. lme gle ta jmpe dye. jmpe pon tyme skola. mne puas tgk mke dye weyh ! haha. da staon lbey kte brsame ! hrp kkl selme2nye ! wekkk ! ms3 na temuntah sape yg bce entry ne kan? haha. no offence. sape soh bace ! haha ! then buke pose same2 at rwang. best best ! hee ! balex2 kne mara bab balex lmbt ! haha ! pdn mke kaw sarah ! hee.

Jumaat, 16 Julai 2010

syg mama

smlm bru jea amex mama kat airport.penat betol.dala jln jem.isk2..uhhu..lame gak laa nak smpy klia.btw,she gave me a diamond necklace.its really really nice yaww.i like it.thankz u =)

Selasa, 6 Julai 2010

stupid girl

I dont know why but i keep asking myself 'should i forget him?'.I keep asking the same question at the same time i cry.How could i forgot him when at school i always saw his face!oh god!why u give me this test?i'm not that strong to face this problem.i dont know what to do.My friend keep calling me STUPID because i left him.but she dont know that this fate is making me stupid because i let him take my heart.but for now on.i will NEVER EVER AND EVER trust boys again!boys r rubbish.they just like broke womans!

Jumaat, 2 Julai 2010

no more love

i keep wondering,and wondering if u still love me?if u still want me?if u still need me??everytime i see u i keep running away from u because i miss u so u ever concern about that?and the answer is no.i miss ur smile,ur face,ur laugh,ur voice,ur touch,ur huge and everything about you.u keep thinking about ur about me?who am i for u??what happen to the old you? maybe a little too childish,selfish.i deserve that tiltle.i am who i am.and i wont change.but for u i willing to do.i keep watcing my fon and waited ur msg..enough to say 'hello.watca doin?'thats just enough.but that only came into my dream.ur always with ur study i guess?im too lonely without u.i dont have anyone but u in my life!dont to obsess until when u woke up and realise i wont be there for u anymore......remember that...

Khamis, 1 Julai 2010

worst day ever...

hey hey,lme da ta update blog nehh..tade mase kot?haha..kptsn exam ptghn thn da dpt..bole la thn mrkh da nak A pon da tabole kua lahh..dok ruma jea...agak kecewe seket tpy phm...too many problems im having right now.cant think properly.this is the worst day in my life.i hope the specific person could read this and understand.
for f ;
tlgg lahh,jgn ggu i lagy..i kesian kan kat u..jgnla mghrp sgt kat i.u baek sgt.ble i ckp i tanak i tanak lahh.xkan toe pon susa na phm?dont do stupid things for me anymore.i dont deserve it.many other women u can fall in love with.just leave me alone.i want to be friends with u.i dont want to be ur lover.couldnt u understand that??
for Z(4a2) ;
hey pompuan!aq dah ta kcau edop ko kan!yg ko nak ngumpat aq blkng2 apahal??aq mls r nak gado nun ko.i even mnx maap kat ko kan wlaupon aq ta brslh..yg ko nak cri gado nun aq pahal??pke ko hot r??aq saba jea nun ta pna nak ngmpt2 ko.nak cri gdo nun ko!!!!
for A.m(4A2) ;
ne pompuan lagy ta pnah ngmpt ko!!skaly pon ta anggap ko kwn aq taw ta!!tbe2 aq dga cite yg ko ngmpt taw r rasie kaw...ko nak aq juwal maruah ko k bdoh??ko ta pena nak cerminkan dri kaw k hah?? betol lahh...
for my syg ;
tataw lah nak ckp ape daa.i tax mara pon kat u.cme i kecewe.i phm u nak exam.u nak spm.tpy jgnla smpy lyn i pon mcm nak tanak jea.i syg kat u sgt2...i tanak khlngn u tapy u buat i rase fedup nun u.u buad i rase i da tax bermakne lagy dlm edop u.entah laa...

Sabtu, 5 Jun 2010


lmenye ta update blog neh :( mm..agak buzy lately lagypon tade cte kot??hehehe

Rabu, 5 Mei 2010

kokorikulum :)

ehem ehem..
hry neh ade koko kad kola.semangat na pegy.mle2 enat na pegy nun aizat but dye ckp dye penad ta jadik amek a'are pegy kola.then ble da nun dyra rancang na mam kfc.kteorg ajak lah syarol nun kime.besh.then,kteorg tgkp gamba.t aq upload an.skank mlas.huhu.pas2 mase blik toe aq soh dyra nex kimi dye tanak.ble aq tnye npe dye ckp tataw.btw2 tension.terpakse rr aq anta dye blik.tape tape.asalkan mnyk full tank beb!!haha.

Ahad, 2 Mei 2010


mm..actually tade mud na update blog neh :(
mm..mane dye neh??sdeh taw ta :(
ye rr da ta na edop lagy nun i an :(
mm.sjak smlm aq ngadap je fon neh..tggu msg dye..
ta anta pon :(

Sabtu, 1 Mei 2010

terkantoi la pulax!

haha!tgk tittle pon da klaka.
ary ne ary story neh..smlm aq gdo nun bf aq.trox gler enat an gdo bab kwn dea da bgtoe dea.rupe2 nyer gdo bab dye jeles aq mcg nun oang laen.hey syg!i ta curang laahh:( mm.0k.then aq na settle an masala neh,aq ajax jmpe.dea xde mto terpakselah aq pegy ulu yam.tape2 susa sng bersame.huuh.then,waaa..sgan doe.ngs dpn dea.bole pulax dye ckp mke aq comel bler ngs.huhu.sgan tawuk.tamo ngs lagy dpn no no.huhhu.pas2 kteorg lpak kat sg.kalong..kteorg maen tgkp2 ekan.tpy ta dpt pon.huhu.tgkp gne btol.mmg lah ta dpt.pndy betol lah korang best.then ary mcm na ujan kteorg lpak lak kad ruma dyra.kejap jep bab dyra na blk kmpg.then jalan pnye jalan kteorg pegy antre gpi.lpak kad ruma pieka.lpk pnye lpk smpy kol 6.30 kteorg grak rr nax blk.then.nga otw na alex uma toe!!tibe2 jep ternmpk moto lc ckp nun dea mcm knl jep.then dye ckp 2 parents dye lah.huhu.dea apalagy..cuak rr..muke gabra jep.rase mcm na glak jep tpy ble pke an balik ta baek diam jelah.huhu.mnx2 lah parents dye ta mara.aminnnn ;(

Jumaat, 30 April 2010

capital a

hyehye..bru je smlm update blog rite?hary ne na update lagy sebab mood skrang neh : hepy giler,malu,segan,cuak,tkot.haha..bnyk an..okok..aku hepy gler,mlu and segan sbb ptg tdiw aq pegy jalan2 nun adk ankat aku..kteorg jln2 kad tmu hill pas2 pegy ligamas..then,kteorg ternmpk kwn bf aq.tros blk tmu hill..oke..cuak and tkot pulaksebab tkot kwn bf aq toe bgtoe bf aq..perghh!mampos aku wehhh!siott rr..

Selasa, 27 April 2010


dear blogg,
hehe.ary ne merupekan ary yg plg epy skaly dlm edop aku :)
adelah buda form2 kola aq.kteorg knl kad ms.
pas2 dea mnx nombo.
da lme2 msg.knl2 dlo.bak kate pepatah 'ta kenal make ta cnte'
haha.sakai!gamba dye ade kad sbla neh [lil brother]
law da taw toe..diam diam suda oke sygg??
mcm ne kteorg msg
dea : boad per?
aq : hah?ta wt pape.awk?
dea : same.
aq : ouh.
dea : yup
aq :teringin na ade kaka ta?
dea : hehe.ley gak.
aq : betol ka????
dea : hehe.betol lah
hehe.dye neh ta bnyk ckp lahh.
smpy tataw na text ape lagy kad bua swg neh!
tapetape.ta kesah :)
hope kte berkekalan ok adek ;)

Ahad, 25 April 2010

my syggg

syggg!i love u sygg. i love u so much!!!

only god knows how much i love u!dont ever ever leave me oke!ure my only one in my heart.i cant stop thinking of u..kte da bnyk lalui mcm2 perkare kan syg :)
jgn lupe jnjy2 u pd i tawuk..
i love u muhd aizat bin md nor :)

Sabtu, 24 April 2010

new entry :)

hye hye :)
mary kte mule kan edop baru!
caiyok caiyokk!rmy lagy laky yg bergande2 lagy baex dry si die an?
wtpe na tangisi rite?
azam baru :
*blaja bersungguh-sungguh
wahai cik sarah hany..
sile patuhi azam azam anda!
law ta soh mama babab muntot!

Jumaat, 9 April 2010

sg lagy

sg sendat :)
klt aq da jdi etam da.mane tax nye,ary2 mndy sgai.bgoss betol sarah hany neh!haha!ary neh pegy sg sendat pulax.dgn mamat sesat neh(maen2 je syg!hehe)pieka and yunie.perhh!doranx mmg hebad! toe sjok pon da mengigil doe.ta cye suda.haha.akibat terlalu bnyk mndy sgai sknk neh aq da kne ceme-ceme.haha.pdn muke aq!hoho.

Selasa, 6 April 2010

sungai oh sungai

assalammualaikum :)

da lame ta update blog,tah.maybe bz kot or malas!haha.cume na cite ary ne besh sesangat!aq,dyrah,aizat,putra and adib mndy sgai.ape nme tmpt toe?
bondoro?bandora?bundora? tah pape tah.besh toe dalam giler nun dyrah pon smpy terlemas2.serius dlm sg toe!!ta caye pegy lah sndry!naseb baex ade tukang bodyguard aku!haha.thankz slamat an bby syg.i love u :]haha!gwang pulax!hatuihh!


Khamis, 1 April 2010


nur farhana bt saiful bahar,
nama yg akan sentiase terpahat dlm haty aq,terlalu bnyk kenangan antre kite and kwn2 laen.sygg..enat ta mase form3...kte da jnjy da bly ruma kad damansara & msok uitm?aq,huda,aina,dyra and ko nax bukak company perkahwinan?kaw da lupe k??ko da taxde skang sape nax jadik akauntan kteorg????knape ko tggl an kteorg???aq rndu ta smpt nax mnx maap kad ko,arap ko da maap an aq,halal kan mkn mnm aq,wlaupon kte ta brape rpt sgt,tpy aq ttp anggp ko kwn aq plg baex d dunie and akhirat.mase kad ospital aq ta henty2 ngs tgk taw ko phm.allah lbeh sygkan ko.wlaupon aku taw ko tataw isi haty aku.
aku nax luah an kat kesian tgk mak ko.sdey je muke dye.
aq harap ko bahagie and tenang d alam laen syg.wlaupon ko ta bce smue ttp nax ckp.
kteorg semue syg kat ko.rndu kat ko wey.rndu na gosip2 nun gdo nun ko.
sape na aja aku math???mase form 2,3 ko yg salu aja aku an??tape kwn,demy ko,aq akn blaja math smpy dpt A-PLUSS!!insyaallah.papepown,aq ttp sdey ko tggl an aku.

imy :.(

Sabtu, 27 Mac 2010


28/3/2010.tarikh yg tax mngkn dapad aq lupe an,
besh gile lah ary neh.
1st2,kteorg pegy hkl.tgk farhana.
kteorg smpy je tros nmpk fana.sdeh giler.fana ckang da ta mcm fana dlo.dye ta bole ckp.just pndg je kteorg.muke dye nun dyra da nangs da time 2.dye just terbaring kad katil.kesian giler pon da ta knl nun fana.laen snad mke dye.mak dye ckp dye stess coz blaja and one more thing dye mndy sgai then sg toe kotor.pas2 ade kuman masok otak dye.toe yg jadik mcm pon ta bape nax phm snad.
da abes cite sdeh.skng neh cite hepy pulax!
kteorg pegy ts nex monorail,
sesax gilax.
then kteorg jalan2 lah kat ts toe,
posink2.mule2 aizat na men bowlink but then tanax pulax.
sygg,kaw nade2 lah.
but i still love u!
da abes posink2 ts toe kteorg pegy low yat,bely fon aizat.
shian dye fon rosax.
syg,kaw kan kaye?
then,kteorg pegy tgk wayang.cte kl drift.
BORINX giler taw tax??!!
tape tape.
asal an ade bf dpan mate ta kesa.
sengal nye ko sarah!
da abes tgk cte yg borinx gile toe.
kteorg jalan2 posink2 1 sg wang.
aishh,saket kaky taw tax!
then,kteorg mkn sushi.
kongsy duet lah,
da makan toe kteorg lepax2 kad lua low yat.
then tggu dreba dtg jempot na alex.
besh giler lah.

Selasa, 23 Mac 2010

fana masok ICU???

cite gempaq neh,
farhana masok icu?
mcm2 edisi crite aq dga.
ade org ckp c exbf fana yg bomooh an fana,
ade org ckp pulax darah fana masok kuman,
ade lagy org ckp fana strees??
mane 1 betol nehh?
maybe sab2 neh pegy tgk dye lahh.
kesion dyer...
excited neh!!!


cuma na ckp,
borinx giler ary ney.
ales ruma je tros tito.
ase mcm na dmm jewww :.(
tade mud actually,
rndu kad dye,
dye ta rndu kad aku k? :.(
4 sue:
im sorry 4 everything,
kite ta gdo an?
kaka da bce blog sue.

Isnin, 22 Mac 2010

masa hadapan!

hary ney klas kterong alex lmbt,
so dlm pkol 2.30 bru smpy ruma.
alex2 je pas mndy bla bla bla tros klua pegy ****!
haha.sanggop weyh.
betape sygnye aku dekad dye.haha!
ko kne phm sara,
dye na SPM taon ney.
kesian lah dekad dye.
bnde 2 untk mase dpn dye gax an.huhu.
tpy aku tgk dye rlex je.
dye ckp"bulan 6 t baru seyes blaja!''haha.
kalaw aku da 24jam pegang bku.
pgng jelah bace ekod mud!haha.
mase shopink nun mama ary 2 aq da kne cramah free nun mama,
dye ckp.
"mase kola neh na wtpe la ade boypren2 neh?bazir mase jee tawuk.
mase dpn ta tentu lagy da ade boypren''
and so on lah.saked aty pulax dga mama leter.huhu.sorry ma!
tpy ble dpke2 an alex.
betol gax.
hmmmm :(

Ahad, 21 Mac 2010

sdey gilax.

na luah kan perasaan ney.
begini ceritanye,
ade la si polan neh,
ary 2,mase aq gado nun bf aq..tbe2 lah c polan neh mcg aq..lame2 toe..dye mnx tolak bab aq mmg tade prasaan at dye kot?c polan neh bebagai2 mrayu,mcm2 lah dye ckp,yg aku neh pon bodoh.pegy cye cakap dye.but at the same time,c polan neh mrayu2 gax kat pompuan laen.
ko 2 bukannye ensem sgt.abg aku pon ckp ko 2 xde gnenye.c pompuan ne pon satu.ko da ade bf rite?bf ko ensem,baex,mnje rite?ko pegy cair nun c polan neh asal??aish,xkanlah pasal laky na gado??waste time lahh sygg.
so,nilai & pengajaran dlm kesah idop aku neh,
jgn lah pecaye dekad laky 100%

Khamis, 18 Mac 2010

mereka siapa??

siapakah mreka2 ini?
haha.aku cndry TA KNL!
but one of them is the one who BELONG to me.
haha.bkn BF lerr.
just someone who CARES bout me.

ke manakah dye mghilang?

sape dye ney?
tahla.mayb ta de kne mgne nun aku lagy KOT?
aku RNDU dye!
mane dye pegy.
asal ko pndh kola!
smpy aty ko!
ko ms3 da ta enat at aku an.
aku SALU ternat at ko!
trgn na jmpe ko.
skaly je pon jady lah.
dary jaoh pon jadik lah.

Rabu, 17 Mac 2010

lurf him also lahh.

dye neh?adek aku yg plg aku bnci.bnci2 pon aku syg dye weyh.haha.dye suke cri gado.bab 2 aq bnci dye.beza umo kteoranx 9taon.rmy org ckp adk brdk jarax jaoh ney mkn syg menyayang?erk?betol k?haha.tah sndry pon tataw.kwn2 aq pon ckp mke dye ney mcm mke cine.ade k?hahah.dek..ko prasan lah.haha

i love them.

mm..aku syg doranx due ney.doranx ney ibarat tgn kiri & kanan aku.tnpe mrke aku tax de sape2.asal aku edit mke aku mcm 2?sbb mke aku hodoh!haha.sukeaty aku lahh.aku mmg HODOH pown so ko tayah na bajet.syg due2 ney tawuk.

moto baru!

haha.aya bly moto neh.mule2 aq mnx ego s but aya da bly ney.xper lah.len kaly aq mnx kete suzuki swift pulax.hahaha.pasal moto kesayangan aku ney jugax lah aq kne bhn kat kola.doranx ejex aku w** ****.haha.nombo plat aku toe!bengong betol.haha.trutamenye c ilham,redza,arif,afiq.alah.semue2 lah.tape2.ade ubi ade batas,ade ary aku bls!ko enat toe!hahahah

my life is bored.

my life are so bored.even though i hav sum1 special.but i still felt the EMPTYNESS.i dont know why.